A Batizado (literally baptism
in Portuguese, and borrowed from the religious tradition) is normally an annual event for a Capoeira group in a region or country. The practice of Capoeira Batizados originates from Capoeira Regional, but has been extended to other styles.
Batizados are large events and are very important for the group organizing it. It is the point in the year where the new
members will be baptized officially into the group and receive their first cords and where the other members depending on
their progress will get a new one. A typical batizado will take several days and consist of workshops, the actual Batizado
itself and a Troca das Cordas. Often many groups from more than one region will attend a Batizado for other groups.
This allows for development of the game by contact with other players, teachers and styles.
In many schools, students are baptized by the floor -- that is, they play against higher level capoeiristas and are subsequently
taken down by a rasteira. This is meant to signify a continual process of humility and improvement in the game.
Normally the Mestre of the group must be present during the proceedings, but historically this is not required.
Troca das Cordas
Literally the changing of the cords, cords signify the level of a capoeirista. During the troca das cordas some capoeiristas
will receive a new corda before or after a game played against a Mestre (Master) in which they have to show their advancement
and earn the right to wear the new corda. The color schemes for the levels vary from group to group. |
* ALUNO BATIZADO = capoeira studant with his
first graduation
exams for a Graduation in our group
Green Belt: 0 - 6 months training
All Gingas
Esquiva (side and back)
Negativa de Recoou with role
Au Grande, Pequeno with role
Straight Kicks (formado calls the kicks)
Traumatic Kicks (formado calls the kicks)
Spinning Kicks (formado calls the kicks)
Little capoeira game
2 page research about Mestre Bimba and how you feel
about Capoeira
- All Gingas
- Cocorinha
- Esquiva (side and back)
- Negativa
- Negativa de Recoou with role
- Au Grande, Pequeno with role, one handed both sides
- Straight Kicks (you must say the name of the kick yourself)
- Traumatic Kicks (you must say the name of the kick yourself)
- Spinning Kicks (you must say the name of the kick yourself)
- Banguela game
- Sao Bento Grande game
- 2 page research about Mestre Bimba and how you feel about
- Flawless sequences (from 1 - 8)
- Queda de dois
- Queda de treis
- Queda de rim (bent legs, open legs and straight legs)
- Hand stand
- Banguela game
- Sao Bento Grande game
- Play Pandeiro in tune to Berimbau and Sing a song
- 2 page research about Mestre Cabeludo and how you feel about
- Ponteira
- Bencao
- Martelo
- Charpa
- Esporao (heel)
- Escorao (blade)
- Meia Lua de Frente
- Queixada
- Queixada invadindo
- Meia Lua de Compasso
- Gancho
- Giro (alto, baixo)
- Armada
- Xibata
- Armada Pulando
- Armada Dupla
- Martelo Voador
- Rabo de Araya
- Chapa giratoria